The Friendly Club

In 1947 the returned servicemen of Trundle decided to form a social club where they could relax and enjoy each other’s company. Originally the Club was formed purely as an ex-servicemen and women's club, but was one of the first clubs in NSW to realise the importance of admitting non-service citizens to membership without any discrimination as to voting rights.

Today, the Services Club is a major contributor to many organisations in the community. We are proud sponsors of the Trundle Rugby League Football Club (Go Boomers!), Trundle Bush Tucker Day and Pink Night, to name a few.

Together with the Golf Club, we aim to provide a safe and welcoming atmosphere to all our member’s and their guests.


Shane Jones, General Manager

Ty Craig, Operations Manager

Board of Directors

Ashleigh Farrar, President

Ronald Jones Jr, Vice President

Sandra Stevenson, Treasurer

Leisa Rowlands, Director

Tracey Farrar, Director

David Simmons, Director

Andrew Rawsthorne, Director